lunes, 31 de diciembre de 2012

Ameno - Era

Dori me interimo adapare dori me
Ameno ameno lantire lantiremo dori me
Ameno omenare imperavi ameno
Dimere dimere mantiro mantiremo ameno
Omenare imperavi emulari ameno
Omenare imperavi emulari
Ameno ameno dore ameno dori me ameno dori me
Ameno dom dori me reo ameno dori me ameno dori me dori me dom
Ameno omenare imperavi ameno
Dimere dimere mantiro mantiremo ameno
Omenare imperavi emulari ameno
Omenare imperavi emulari
Ameno ameno dore ameno dori me ameno dori me
Ameno dom dori me reo ameno dori me ameno dori me dori me dom
Ameno ameno ameno dori me ameno dori me
Dori me dori me…
Ameno dori
Ameno dori me
Ameno dom dori me reo ameno dori me ameno dori me
Ameno ameno ameno ameno dori me
Ameno dori me

miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2012

Crazy - Gnarls Barkley

 I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind
There was something so pleasant about that place.
Even your emotions had an echo
In so much space

And when you're out there
Without care,
Yeah, I was out of touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much

Does that make me crazy?

 And I hope that you are having the time of your life
But think twice, that's my only advice

Come on now, who do you, who do you, who do you, who do you think you are,
bless your soul
You really think you're in control

Well, I think you're crazy
Just like me

My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on a limb
And all I remember is thinking, I want to be like them
Ever since I was little, ever since I was little it looked like fun
And it's no coincidence I've come
And I can die when I'm done

Maybe I'm crazy
Maybe you're crazy
Maybe we're crazy

domingo, 23 de diciembre de 2012

Alors on danse - Irma

Qui dit étude dit travail,
Qui dit taf te dit les thunes,
Qui dit argent dit dépenses,
Qui dit crédit dit créance,
Qui dit dette te dit huissier,
Oui dit assis dans la merde.
Qui dit Amour dit les gosses,
Dit toujours et dit divorce.
Qui dit proches te dis deuils car les problèmes ne viennent pas seul.
Qui dit crise te dis monde dit famine dit tiers- monde.
Qui dit fatigue dit réveille encore sourd de la veille,
Alors on sort pour oublier tous les problèmes.
Alors on danse
Et la tu dis que c’est finir car pire que ça ce serait la mort.
Qu’en tu crois enfin que tu t’en sors quand y en a plus et bien y en a encore!
es t’as ces dis problème les problèmes ou bien la musique.
Ca t’prends les trips ca te prends la tête et puis tu prie pour que ça s’arrête.
Mais c’est ton corps c’est pas le ciel alors tu t’bouche plus les oreilles.
Et là tu cries encore plus fort et ca persiste…
Alors on chante
Et puis seulement quand c’est fini, alors on danse.
Alors on danse
Et ben y en a encore

viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2012

La luna incantata

La luna incantata

Coreografie di Fabrizio Monteverde con Alessandra Ferri e il Balletto di Toscana e la regia di Vittorio Nevano.

"E' fredda l'aria irreale di questa atmosfera; sento le mie ossa che si inerpicano fra i muscoli per conficcarsi contro il tuo corpo adorato, che vorrei fosse un bersaglio; fammi ruotare finchè le mie cellule impazzite riescano a trasformare l'odio in amore...
...Trepida ed impaziente penetrazione dei tuoi occhi nella mia carne; sento che i nervi mi esplodono in rancore e tu sei solo il simulacro della mia solitudine...
...Nuoto nel vento della luce per raggiungere l'altura dove posso trasformarmi nello specchio della mia solitudine...
...Voglio rintracciare nei miei simili le architetture fragili di un'emozione...
...Scaglie di connivenza moltiplicano gli sguardi in sottili movenze di una fissità assoluta...
...Macchine umane accanto a me scoprono voluttuose il piacere di un'assenza e si incastonano in un rigore, col sapore dell'immobilismo...
...Correte gocce di umanità a salvare i miei piedi dal precario equilibrio, che svanisce disfatto nella quotidianità...
...Utilizzo una barriera, nero abisso, per sconfiggere la morte andando incontro ad un giorno putrido che si accanisce attraverso luoghi antichi che non conosco....
...Incontro marionette immobili vestite da facce irreali con i colori del passato; segni di croce, architetture della sacralità nel disincanto del matafisico...
...Arriviamo, ammalati anche noi di fissità e attraversiamo i cristalli di luce e di uomini immersi in un virtuosismo di emozioni...
...L'importante è fuggire, parla, ora, perchè è il momento dell'addio; fai dei tuoi gesti l'incarnazione di un verbo perchè fra poco urla, parole, sguardi movenze e suggestioni ti torneranno nel cervello, e si trasformeranno in odio...
...Mi hai tradito bastardo, commesso viaggiatore ed esattore di emozioni, anche a distanza la tua carne puzza; puzza di vomito e di sudore, puzza di usura a basso prezzo in camera d'albergo; violentatevi le carni perchè mi avete violentato le emozioni...
...Ho voglia di fuggire verso orizzonti lontani, ogni lembo di pelle urla in me messaggi di soccorso...
...Maschere di uomini dal volto senza sesso irrompono verso di me in vicoli di pietra...
...Bambina mi scopro a roteare nell'onda meccanica di luci artificiali; paura e reazione, trasudano violenza dai capelli dopo ogni nota del mio corpo...
...Ti sedurrò con le mie forme, ma non mi scoprirò, non mi vedrai nuda ansimare di fronte a te...
...E' solo un gioco di prospettive elettroniche ed irreali...
...Ti sto tradendo bastardo, pensando a come fosse vero se tutto fosse irreale...
...Baciami con calde lacrime, possiedimi con i tuoi muscoli; sono tua...
...Nell'azzurro della luna complice mi dileguo, mentre in te dormiente si moltiplicano le fantasie violente del tuo erotismo arido ed asimmetrico...
...Ogni corpo esprime il dramma di penetrare lo spazio dall'enorme solitudine della luce artificiale....
...Non puoi incidere col bisturi frammenti di umanità sulla tua maschera irreale...
...I cavalieri della morte mi fanno ruotare come fossi un giocattolo nelle mani di un mangiafuoco crudele eppure bonario, le mie cellule si frantumano a grappoli infrangendosi come cristalli contro un muro di pelle, in attesa solo di esplodere....
...Verrà la morte e ci sorprenderà appesi a roteare nell'infinto e ci costringerà a rompere con il movimento l'immensa finità della vita perennemente in posa...
...Trafitta come in uno specchio danzo alla luce, finalmente libera di muovermi e soffrire mi agito fra ruderi di antico e muffe di metallo...
...Provate a invertire i ruoli e nulla cambierà. Se il gioco è la guerra e la violenza l'obbiettivo, muscoli formali non vi salveranno...
...E' venuta anche mia madre, imponente figura del passato. Agita in me forza e turbamento; tranquilla e lenta assenza...
...Torno anch'io sul palcoscenico del mio passato e a ritroso, rivedo i baratri degli uomini che mi hanno imbalsamato l'anima...
...Ho paura, fuggo nel flashback delle mie macerie; brandelli arrugginiti lasciati cadere per distruzione...
...Passi di speranza affondano nella sabbia consumando piedi ed emozioni...
...Mi perdo dentro i veli delle nere donne e cerco di annegare in esse i miei dolori...
...Ma il mare azzera tutto e mi trascina di fronte al magico immobilismo della mia realtà...
...La luna è andata via, riportandosi con sè la magia del suo incanto."

jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2012

A veces un cielo - Luz Casal

Sincera en la cal
y en la arena,
la cara y la cruz,
faro sin luz
tiempo y marea.

Siempre fiel
a mi manera,
cuanto mas lejos
más agustito a tu vera,
el gusto de conocerte,
regalarme alguna sorpresa.

En esta calle triste
enjaulada y sin alpiste
miro la luna
en un gajo de manzana.

A veces soy mala, a veces un cielo,
a veces te extraño
y por tus ojos muero.
A veces soy mala, a veces un cielo,
a veces te extraño
y por tus huesos muero.

La vida es una canción
que yo tarareo.
A veces soy mala,
a veces muy mala,
y a veces un cielo.

sobre las hojas del otoño
es romántico y resbaladizo
subamos al coche
a hacer el amor
que me muero de frío.

En esta calle triste.

martes, 11 de diciembre de 2012

Luna lunedda (Pizzica) - L'Arpeggiata

Luna lunedda,
Lu pani a fedda a fedda,
Lu vinu a cannatedda,
Luna lunedda.
Oli', oli', oli', setti fimmini nu tari',
Nu tari' è troppo pocu, setti fimmini nu varcocu!
Setti fimmini nu tari', oli', oli', oli',
Setti fimmini nu varcocu, nu tari' è troppo pocu!
Lu varcocu è duci duci, setti fimmini pe' na nuci!
E la nuci è diffidenti, setti fimmini nu sirpenti.
Setti fimmini pe' na nuci, lu varcocu è duci duci...
Setti fimmini nu sirpenti, e la nuci è diffidenti.
Lu sirpenti scinni acqua, duna a biviri alla vacca,
E la vacca havi li corna e duna a biviri alla donna.
Duna a biviri alla vacca lu sirpenti scinni acqua,
Duna a biviri alla donna ca la vacca havi li corna...
E la donna scinni jusu duna a biviri a lu tignusu
Lu tignusu sciddico' e lu mustazzo s'inchiappo',
Duna a biviri a lu tignusu che la donna scinni jusu,
Lu mustazzo s'inchiappo' e lu tignusu sciddico'...
Luna lunedda,
Lu pane a fedda a fedda,
Lu vinu a cannatedda,
Luna lunedda.
Oli', oli', oli' chi ti venga 'u bon amuri,
Bon amuri e tricchi-tra: unu, dui, tri e qua...
Sutta u lettu e Mast'Antonio ci era jaddu chi cantava
E facia cuccurucù (Sita e capizzula!) trasi dintra e nesci fora...
Paletta, signora cummari aju 'na figghia chi ssapi jucari,
Sapi jucari a trentatri': unu, dui... e tri!
Cumpari Ninu, dintra ci aju 'nu pellegrinu
Ca mi fa ballari supra la luna, tippiti e tappiti e cuzzuluna...
Luna lunedda...


Luna, piccola luna
Il pane a fette
Il vino a garganella
Luna, piccola luna
Ehi, sette donne per un soldo
Un soldo è troppo poco, Sette donne per una pesca !
La pesca è molto dolce, sette donne per una noce
E la noce è diffidente, sette donne per un serpente
Il serpente va all'acqua, e dà a bere alla vacca
La vacca ha le corna e dà a bere alla donna
E la donna se ne scende e dà a bere all'avaro
E l'avaro scivolò ed i baffi s'impigliò...
Luna, piccola luna
Il pane a fette
Il vino a garganella
Luna, piccola luna...
Ehi, che ti venga tanto amore
Tanto amore come un fuoco d'artificio: uno, due, tre e quattro
Sotto il letto di Mastr'Antonio un gallo cantava...
Faceva cuccurucù (fra sete e pizzi) dentro e fuori
Cara comare, avete una figlia che sa giocare a paletta
Sa giocare a trentatre: uno, due e tre!
Compare Nino, dentro di me c'è un pellegrino
Che mi fa ballare sopra la luna, tippiti, tappiti e ruzzoloni...
Luna, piccola luna
Il pane a fette
Il vino a garganella
Luna, piccola luna...

lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2012

Piangi Roma - Baustelle ft. Valeria Golino

Kate Moss
Mi manchi tu, la fantasia,
il cinema, l'estate indiana,
mi servi tu, un brivido,
il ghiaccio nel, campari soda.

Fumo un'altra sigaretta,
perché è facile buttarsi via,
respiro e scrivo,
tutto quello che mi manca
è un'assurda specie di preghiera,
che sembra quasi amore...

Piangi Roma, muori amore,
splendi sole, da far male.
ho già fatto le valigie,
ma rimango ad aspettare.

Ridi Roma, ridi amore,
dice il telegiornale,
che la fine si avvicina,
io m'invento un gran finale.

Mi manchi tu, la libertà,
tanti LP, Battisti e Mina,
mi servi tu, la malattia,
che spazza via, la razza umana.

Chiudo con le sigarette,
un ragazzo in strada scappa via,
e metto in lista
tutto quello che mi manca,
e mi sembra quasi una preghiera,
oppure folle amore.

Piangi Roma, muori amore,
tutto il bene che so dare,
come il sasso e la fontana,
si consuma, si consuma.

Ridi Roma, godi amore,
nonostante il temporale,
metto i panni ad asciugare,
piangi Roma, ti fa bene...

Let's stay together - Maroon 5

Kirstin Scott Thomas
I am so in love with you
Whatever you want to do
Is alright with me
'Cause you make me feel so brand new
I want to spend my life with you
The same thing's, baby
Since we've been together
Loving you forever
Is what I need

Let me be the one you come running to
I'll never be untrue, baby
Let's, oughta stay together
Loving you, whether, whether times are
Good or bad, happy or sad
Come on
Whether times are good are bad
Happy or sad
Come on

Why, somebody, why people break up?
Turn around and make up
I just can't see
'Cause you'd never do that to me, baby
Would you baby
Being around you is all I see
Ooh baby, let's, we oughta stay together
Loving you whether, whether
Times are good or bad
Happy or sad
Come on

Silenzio d'amuri - L'arpeggiata

Meryl Streep
T'amaju di quannu stavi dintr'a la naca,
T'addivaj ducizza a muddichi a muddichi
Silenziu d'amuri ca camini intr'a li vini
Nun è pussibili staccarimi di tia.
Nun chiangiti no albiri d'alivi
Amuri e beni vengunu di luntanu,
Dilizia amata mia, sciatu di l'alma mia,
Dammi lu cori ca ti dugnu la vita.
Vacanti senza culura tengu lu senzu
Quanno na mamma si scorda a so' figliu,
Tannu mi scordu d'amari a tia
Ti vogliu bbene picciliddra mia.
Vulati acidduzzi iti ni ll'amata
Cantantici mentri nc'è morte e vita
Comu tuttu lu munnu esti la campagna,
Tu si a Riggina e ju 'u Re di Spagna.


T'amai da quando stavi nella culla
Ti donai dolcezza mollica a mollica,
Silenzio d'amore che camini nelle vene
Non è possibile staccarmi da te.
Non piangete alberi di olive
L'amore e l'affetto vengono da lontano.
Delizia amata mia, fiato della mia anima
Dammi il tuo cuore che ti dò la vita.
Vacuo e senza colore sarebbe il sentimento
Come una madre che dimentichi il proprio figlio
Solo allora potrebbe finire il mio amore per te
Ti voglio bene, piccola mia.
Volate rondini, e andate dalla mia amata
E cantatele mentre c'è morte e vita
Come tutto il mondo è la campagna
Tu sei la regina ed io il re di Spagna

miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2012

My kind of love - Emeli Sandé

I can't buy your love, don't even wanna try.
Sometimes the truth won't make you happy, so I'm not gonna lie.
But don't ever question if my heart beats only for you, it beats only for you.

I know i'm far from perfect, nothin' like your entourage
I can't grant you any wishes, I won't promise you the stars.
But don't ever question if my heart beats only for you, it beats only for you.

Cause when you've given up.
When no matter what you do it's never good enough.
When you never thought that it could ever get this tough,
Thats when you feel my kind of love.

And when you're crying out.
When you fall and then can't pick, you're heavy on the ground
When the friends you thought you had haven't stuck around.
That's when you feel my kind of love.

You won't see me at the parties, I guess I'm just no fun.
I won't be turning up the radio singing, "Baby You're The One".
But don't ever question if my heart beats only for you, it beats only for you.

I know sometimes I get angry, and I say what i don't mean.
I know I keep my heart protected, far away from my sleeve.
But don't ever question if my heart beats only for you, it beats only for you.

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

La pluie - Zaz

Le ciel est gris,
La pluie s’invite comme par surprise 
Elle est chez nous, et comme un rite, qui nous enlise
Les parapluies s’ouvrent en cadence, comme une danse,
Les gouttes tombent  en abondance sur douce France, 

Tombe, tombe, tombe la pluie
En ce jour de dimanche de décembre
A l’ombre des parapluies, 
Les passant se pressent, pressent sans attendre

On l’aime parfois, elle hausse la voix
Elle nous bouscule
Elle ne donne plus de ses  nouvelles en canicule
Puis elle revient comme un besoin
Par affection
Et elle nous chante sa grande chanson,

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012

Sorry seems to be the hardest word - Elton John

Kate Moss
What have I got to do to make you love me
What have I got to do to make you care
What do I do when lightning strikes me
And I wake to find that you're not there

What do I do to make you want me
What have I got to do to be heard
What do I say when it's all over
And sorry seems to be the hardest word

It's sad, so sad
It's a sad, sad situation
And it's getting more and more absurd
It's sad, so sad
Why can't we talk it over
Oh it seems to me
That sorry seems to be the hardest word

What do I do to make you love me
What have I got to do to be heard
What do I do when lightning strikes me
What have I got to do
What have I got to do
When sorry seems to be the hardest word

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

Never gonna leave this bed - Maroon 5

Marilyn Monroe
You push me
I don't have the strength to
Resist or control you
Take me down, take me down

You hurt me
But do I deserve this?
You make me so nervous
Calm me down, calm me down

Wake you up
In the middle of the night to say
I will never walk away again
I'm never gonna leave this bed, oh

So come here
And never leave this place
Perfection of your face
Slows me down, slows me down

So fall down
I need you to trust me
Go easy, don't rush me
Help me out, why don't you help me out?

Wake you up
In the middle of the night to say
I will never walk away again
I'm never gonna leave this bed, oh

So you say "Go, it isn't working"
And I say "No, it isn't perfect"
So I stay instead
I'm never gonna leave this bed

Take it, take it all
Take all that I have
I'd give it all away just to get you back

And fake it, fake it all
Take what I can get

Knockin' so loud
Can you hear me yet
Try to stay awake but you can't forget

Wake you up
In the middle of the night to say
I will never walk away again
I'm never gonna leave this bed, oh

You say "Go, it isn't working"
And I say "No, it isn't perfect"
So I stay instead
I'm never gonna leave this bed, ooh

Take it, take it all
Take all that I have

sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012

Girl on fire - Alicia Keys

She's just a girl and she's on fire
Hotter than a fantasy, lonely like a highway
She's living in a world and it's on fire
Feeling with catastrophe, but she knows she can fly away

Ohhhh oh oh oh oh
She got both feet on the ground
And she's burning it down
Ohhhh oh oh oh oh
She got her head in the clouds
And she's not backing down

This girl is on fire...
She's walking on fire...

 Looks like a girl, but she's a flame
So bright, she can burn your eyes
Better look the other way
You can try but you'll never forget her name
She's on top of the world
Hottest of the hottest girls say

Ohhhh oh oh oh
We got our feet on the ground
And we're burning it down
Ohhhh oh oh oh oh
Got our head in the clouds
And we're not coming down

This girl is on fire...
She's walking on fire...

Everybody stands, as she goes by
Cause they can see the flame that's in her eyes
Watch her when she's lighting up the night
Nobody knows that she's a lonely girl
And it's a lonely world
But she gon' let it burn, baby, burn, baby

This girl is on fire...
She's walking on fire...

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012

Vaya Con Dios - Imelda May

Now the hacienda's dark, the town is sleeping;
Now the time has come to part, the time for weeping.

Vaya con Dios my darling,
May God be with you my love.

Wherever you may be, I'll be beside you,
Although you're many million dreams away.
Each night I'll say a pray'r, a pray'r to guide you
To hasten ev'ry lonely hour of ev'ry lonely day.
Now the dawn is breaking through a gray tomorrow,
But the memories we share are there to borrow.

Vaya con Dios, my darling:
May God be with you, my love, my love,
May God be with you my love.

Now the village mission bells are softly ringing,
If you listen with your heart you'll hear them singing,
Vaya con Dios my darling,
May God be with you my love.

Wherever you may be I'll be beside you,
Although you're many million dreams away,
Each night I'll say a pray'r, a pray'r to guide you
To hasten ev'ry lonely hour of ev'ry lonely day.

Now the dawn is breaking through a gray tomorrow,
But the memories we share are there to borrow,
Vaya con Dios, my darling!
May God be with you, my love, my love,
May God be with you my love.

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

Blue jeans - Lana del Rey

Lana del Rey
Blue jeans, white shirt
Walked into the room you know you made my eyes burn
It was like, James Dean, for sure
You're so fresh to death and sick as ca-cancer
You were sorta punk rock, I grew up on hip hop
But you fit me better than my favourite sweater, and I know
That love is mean, and love hurts
But I still remember that day we met in december, oh baby!

I will love you 'til the end of time
I would wait a million years
Promise you'll remember that you're mine
Baby can you see through the tears
Love you more
Than those bitches before
Say you'll remember, oh baby, say you'll remember
I will love you 'til the end of time

Big dreams, gangster
Said you had to leave to start your life over
I was like, “No please, stay here,
We don't need no money we can make it all work,”
But he headed out on sunday, said he'd come home monday
I stayed up waitin', anticipatin', and pacin'
But he was chasing paper
"Caught up in the game" ‒ that was the last I heard

I will love you 'til the end of time
I would wait a million years
Promise you'll remember that you're mine
Baby can you see through the tears
Love you more
Than those bitches before
Say you'll remember, oh baby, say you'll remember
I will love you 'til the end of time

You went out every night
And baby that's alright
I told you that no matter what you did I'd be by your side
Cause Imma ride or die
Whether you fail or fly
Well shit at least you tried.
But when you walked out that door, a piece of me died
I told you I wanted more-but that's not what I had in mind
I just want it like before
We were dancing all night
Then they took you away-stole you out of my life
You just need to remember....

sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2012

Distant dreamer - Duffy

Although you think I cope
My head is filled with hope
Of some place other than here
Although you think I smile
Inside and all the while
I'm wondering about my destiny

I'm thinking about
All the things
I'd like to do
In my life

I'm a dreamer
A distant dreamer
Dreaming far away from today

Even when you see me frown
My heart won't let me down
Because I know there's better things to come
And when life gets tough
And I feel I've had enough
I hold on to a distant star

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012

Stand by my woman - Lenny Kravitz

There were times I wasn't kind
And there were times I wasn't even around
And there were times I made you cry
So many times I had to say goodbye
When you want to talk
I'm on the phone
But now baby, yeah, I am here for you alone

I'm gonna stand by my woman now
I'm gonna stand by my woman now
'Cause I can't live my life alone
Without a home

There were times I didn't understand
And there were times I wouldn't hold your hand
But baby now I'm here for you
'Cause baby, yeah, I am so in love with you

I'm gonna stand by my woman now
I'm gonna stand by my woman now
'Cause I can't live my life alone
Without a home

I'm gonna stand, stand, by my woman now
I'm gonna stand by my woman now
'Cause I can't live my life alone
Without a home

Stand, yeah, by, yeah my woman now
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ...
I'm gonna stand by my woman now
'Cause I can't live my life alone
Without a home 

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012

Misty blue - Etta James

Oh, it's been such a long, long time
Looks like I'd get you off my mind
Oh, but I can't
Just the thought of you
Turns my whole world misty blue

Oh honey, just the mention of your name
Turns the flicker to a flame
Listen to me good, baby
I think of the things we used to do
And my whole world turns misty blue

Ooooh baby, I should forget you
Heaven knows I tried
Baby, when I say that I'm glad we're through
Deep in my heart I know I've lied
I've lied, I've lied

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012

Ignition - Alain Clark

no im not tryin to be rude,
but hey pretty girl im feelin you
the way you do the things you do
remind me of my Lexus coup
thats why im all up in yo grill
tryina get you to a hotel
you must be a foot ball coach
the way you got me playin the field

now gimme that toot toot
and i'll give you that beep beep
runnin her hands through my 'fro
bouncin on 24's
while they say on the radio...

this is the remix to ignition
hot and fresh out the kitchen
mama rollin that body
got evey man in her wishin
sippin on coke and rum
im like so what im drunk
its the freakin weekend baby
im about to have me some fun

now its like murder she wrote
once i get you out them clothes
privacy is on the door
still they can hear you screamin more
girl im feelin what you feelin
no more hopin and wishin
im bout to take my key and
stick it in the ignition

so gimme that toot toot
and i'll give you that beep beep
runnin her hands through my 'fro
bouncin on 24's
while they say on the radio...

this is the remix to ignition
hot and fresh out the kitchen
mama rollin that body
got evey man in her wishin
sippin on coke and rum
im like so what im drunk
its the freakin weekend baby
im about to have me some fun

crystall poppin in the stretch navigator
we got food every where
as if the party was catored
we got fellas to my left
honnies on my right
we bring em both together we got drinkin all night
then after the show its the (after party)
and after the party its the (hotel lobby)
and round about 4 you gotta (clear the lobby)
then head take it to the room and freak somebody

can i get a toot toot
can i get a beep beep
runnin her hands through my 'fro
bouncin on 24's
while they say on the radio...

this is the remix to ignition
hot and fresh out the kitchen
mama rollin that body
got evey man in her wishin
sippin on coke and rum
im like so what im drunk
its the freakin weekend baby
im about to have me some fun

girl we off in this jeep
foggin windows up
blastin the radio
in the back of my truck
bouncin up and down
stroke it round and round
to the remix
we just thuggin it out...

sábado, 3 de noviembre de 2012

Oda al gato - Pablo Neruda

Los animales fueron imperfectos,
largos de cola, tristes de cabeza.
Poco a poco se fueron componiendo,
haciéndose paisaje,
adquiriendo lunares, gracia, vuelo.
El gato, sólo el gato
apareció completo y orgulloso:
nació completamente terminado,
camina solo y sabe lo que quiere.
El hombre quiere ser pescado y pájaro,
la serpiente quisiera tener alas,
el perro es un león desorientado,
el ingeniero quiere ser poeta,
la mosca estudia para golondrina,
el poeta trata de imitar la mosca,
pero el gato
quiere ser sólo gato
y todo gato es gato
desde bigote a cola,
desde presentimiento a rata viva,
desde la noche hasta sus ojos de oro.
No hay unidad como él,
no tienen la luna
ni la flor tal contextura:
es una sola cosa como el sol o el topacio,
y la elástica línea
en su contorno firme y sutil
es como la línea de la proa de una nave.
Sus ojos amarillos dejaron una sola ranura
para echar las monedas de la noche.
Oh pequeño emperador sin orbe,
conquistador sin patria,
mínimo tigre de salón,
nupcial sultán del cielo
de las tejas eróticas,
el viento del amoren
la intemperie reclamas cuando pasas
y posas cuatro pies delicados en el suelo, oliendo, desconfiando
de todo lo terrestre, porque todo
es inmundo
para el inmaculado pie del gato.
Oh fiera independiente de la casa,
arrogante vestigio de la noche,
perezoso, gimnástico y ajeno,
profundísimo gato, policía secreta de las habitaciones,
insigniade un desaparecido terciopelo,
seguramente no hay enigma en tu manera,
tal vez no eres misterio,
todo el mundo te sabe y perteneces al habitante menos misterioso,
tal vez todos lo creen, todos se creen dueños, propietarios,
tíos de gatos, compañeros, colegas, discípulos o amigos de su gato.
Yo no. Yo no suscribo. Yo no conozco al gato.
Todo lo sé, la vida y su archipiélago,
el mar y la ciudad incalculable, la botánica,
el gineceo con sus extravíos, el por y el menos de la matemática,
los embudos volcánicos del mundo, la cáscara irreal del cocodrilo,
la bondad ignorada del bombero, el atavismo azul del sacerdote,
pero no puedo descifrar un gato.
Mi razón resbaló en su indiferencia,
sus ojos tienen números de oro.

jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2012

Déshabillez-moi - Wende Snijders

Chloë Sevigny
Déshabillez-moi, déshabillez-moi
Oui, mais pas tout le suite, pas trop vite
Sachez me convoiter, me désirer, me captiver
Déshabillez-moi, déshabillez-moi
Mais ne soyez pas comme, tous les hommes, trop  
Et d´abord, le regard
Tout le temps du prélude
Ne doit pas être rude, ni hagard
Dévorez-moi des yeux
Mais avec retenue
Pour que je m´habitue, peu à peu...
Oui, mais pas tout le suite, pas trop vite
Sachez m´hypnotiser, m´envelopper, me capturer
Déshabillez-moi, déshabillez-moi

Avec délicatesse, en souplesse, et doigté
Choisissez bien les mots
Dirigez bien vos gestes
Ni trop lents, ni trop lestes, sur ma peau
Voilà ça y´est, je suis
Frémissante et offerte
De votre main experte, allez-y...
Déshabillez-moi, déshabillez-moi
Maintenant tout de suite, allez vite
Sachez me posséder, me consommer, me consumer
Déshabillez-moi, déshabillez-moi
Conduisez-vous en homme
Soyez l´homme... Agissez!
Déshabillez-moi, déshabillez-moi
Et vous... déshabillez-vous!

miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

Carrie - Stephen King

"Carrie White come mierda".

Los gritos, los ecos y el ruido subterráneo del chapoteo del agua de las duchas sobre las baldosas llenaban el vestuario. Las muchachas habían estado jugando a voleibol durante la primera hora, y había algo apremiante en su ligero sudor matutino. Se estiraban y retorcían bajo el agua caliente, chillando, lanzando agua y pasándose de mano en mano las barras de jabón blan
Carrie se hallaba en medio de ellas, impasible, una rana entre los cisnes. Era una muchacha fornida, con granos en el cuello, la espalda y las nalgas. Su cabello mojado no parecía tener color alguno: se pegaba a su rostro con una obstinación empapada y abatida.
Estaba allí parada, con la cabeza ligeramente inclinada, dejando que el agua se precipitara sobre su cuerpo y cayera al suelo. Parecía la típica cabeza de turco, el perpetuo blanco de las bromas, la chica capaz de tragarse las historias más increíbles, el objeto de todas las malas jugadas. Y realmente lo era.
 Carrie - Stephen King

martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

El retrato de Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde

Se frotó los ojos, y se acercó al cuadro y lo examinó de nuevo. No había señales de cambio alguno cuando miró la pintura, y sin embargo no quedaba duda que la expresión se había alterado. No era sólo su propia impresión. Era horriblemente obvio. Se lanzó sobre la silla, y empezó a pensar. De repente pasó por su mente lo que había dicho en el estudio de Basil Hallward el día que el cuadro fue termi
nado. Lo recordaba perfectamente. Pronunció un deseo enfermizo de que él pudiera permanecer joven, y que el cuadro envejeciera; que su hermosura permaneciera inalterada, y que su rostro en la tela soportara la carga de sus pasiones y pecados; que la imagen pintada se marchitara con las líneas del sufrimiento y el pensamiento, y que él mantuviera la flor y el encanto casi consciente de su adolescencia. Con seguridad su deseo no se había cumplido? Esas cosas son imposibles. Era monstruoso sólo pensar en aquello. Y sin embargo, ahí estaba el cuadro frente a él, con un toque de crueldad en la boca.

El retrato de Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde

El corazón delator - Edgar Allan Poe

Mas, al cabo de un rato, empecé a notar que me ponía pálido y deseé que se marcharan. Me dolía la cabeza y creía percibir un zumbido en los oídos; pero los policías continuaban sentados y charlando. El zumbido se hizo más intenso; seguía resonando y era cada vez más intenso. Hablé en voz muy alta para librarme de esa sensación, pero continuaba lo mismo y se iba haciendo cada vez más clara... hasta que, al fin, me di cuenta de que aquel sonido no se producía dentro de mis oídos.

 El corazón delator - Edgar Allan Poe

It (fragmento) - Stephen King

Lo peor - y lo mejor - del viaje había quedado atrás. Una vez más, había experimentado la posibilidad muy real de su propia muerte; una vez más, se había encontrado capaz de afrontarla. El autobús no lo había arrollado; sanos y salvos estaban él y las tres ancianas con sus bolsas de compras y sus cheques de la jubilación; tampoco se había estampado contra la trasera de la camioneta. Ahora iba otra vez colina arriba, perdiendo velocidad. Algo se perdía con ella -oh, bien podría llamarlo deseo, ¿no? Todos los recuerdos y los pensamientos estaban alcanzándolo-. Hola Bill, vaya, te perdimos de vista por un rato, pero aquí estamos; reuniéndose con él, trepándole por la camisa para saltarle al oído, precipitándose al interior de su cerebro como chiquillos por un tobogán. Sintió que se acomodaban en sus sitios habituales, empujándose mutuamente con sus cuerpos febriles. ¡Vaya! ¡Qué bien!¡Ya estamos otra vez en la cabeza de Bill! ¡Pensemos en George! Bueno, ¿quién empieza?

It - Stephen King

lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

Bocca di rosa - Musica Nuda

La chiamavano bocca di rosa
metteva l'amore, metteva l'amore,
la chiamavano bocca di rosa
metteva l'amore sopra ogni cosa.

Appena scese alla stazione
nel paesino di San Vicario
tutti si accorsero con uno sguardo
che non si trattava di un missionario.

C'è chi l'amore lo fa per noia
chi se lo sceglie per professione
bocca di rosa né l'uno né l'altro
lei lo faceva per passione.

Ma la passione spesso conduce
a soddisfare le proprie voglie
senza indagare se il concupito
ha il cuore libero oppure ha moglie.

E fu così che da un giorno all'altro
bocca di rosa si tirò addosso
l'ira funesta delle cagnette
a cui aveva sottratto l'osso.

Ma le comari di un paesino
non brillano certo in iniziativa
le contromisure fino a quel punto
si limitavano all'invettiva.

Si sa che la gente dà buoni consigli
sentendosi come Gesù nel tempio,
si sa che la gente dà buoni consigli
se non può più dare cattivo esempio.

Così una vecchia mai stata moglie
senza mai figli, senza più voglie,
si prese la briga e di certo il gusto
di dare a tutte il consiglio giusto.

E rivolgendosi alle cornute
le apostrofò con parole argute:
"il furto d'amore sarà punito-
disse- dall'ordine costituito".

E quelle andarono dal commissario
e dissero senza parafrasare:
"quella schifosa ha già troppi clienti
più di un consorzio alimentare".

E arrivarono quattro gendarmi
con i pennacchi con i pennacchi
e arrivarono quattro gendarmi
con i pennacchi e con le armi.

Il cuore tenero non è una dote
di cui sian colmi i carabinieri
ma quella volta a prendere il treno
l'accompagnarono malvolentieri.

Alla stazione c'erano tutti
dal commissario al sagrestano
alla stazione c'erano tutti
con gli occhi rossi e il cappello in mano,

a salutare chi per un poco
senza pretese, senza pretese,
a salutare chi per un poco
portò l'amore nel paese.

C'era un cartello giallo
con una scritta nera
diceva "Addio bocca di rosa
con te se ne parte la primavera".

Ma una notizia un po' originale
non ha bisogno di alcun giornale
come una freccia dall'arco scocca
vola veloce di bocca in bocca.

E alla stazione successiva
molta più gente di quando partiva
chi mandò un bacio, chi gettò un fiore
chi si prenota per due ore.

Persino il parroco che non disprezza
fra un miserere e un'estrema unzione
il bene effimero della bellezza
la vuole accanto in processione.

E con la Vergine in prima fila
e bocca di rosa poco lontano
si porta a spasso per il paese
l'amore sacro e l'amor profano.

martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

A change is gonna come - Seal

Marion Cotillard

I was born by the river in a little tent
And just like that river I've been running ever since
It's been a long time coming
But I know a change is gonna come, oh yes it will

It's been too hard living, but I'm afraid to die
Cos I don't know what's out there beyond the sky
It's been a long, a long time coming
But I know a change is gonna come, oh yes it will

I go to the movie
And I go down town
somebody keep telling me don't hang around
Its been along time coming
But I know a change is gonna come, oh yes it will

Then I go to my brother
And I say brother help me please
But he winds up knockin' me
Back down on my knees

There were times when I thought I couldn't last for long
But now I think I'm able to carry on
It's been a long, a long time coming
But I know a change gone come, oh yes it will

domingo, 21 de octubre de 2012

Valerie - The Zutons

Well sometimes I go out by myself
And I look across the water
And I think of all the things, what you do
And in my head I make a picture

Cos since I've come on home,
Well my body's been a mess
And I've missed your ginger hair
And the way you like to dress
Won't you come on over
Stop making a fool out of me
Why won't you come on over Valerie?

Did you have to go to jail,
Put your house up on for sale, did you get a good lawyer?
I hope you didn't catch a tan,
I hope you'll find the right man who'll fix it for ya
And are you shoppin' anywhere,
Changed the colour of you hair, are you busy?
And did you have to pay the fine
You were dodging all the time, are you still dizzy?

Sienna Miller

sábado, 20 de octubre de 2012

Iris - Goo Goo Dolls

And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now

And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
And sooner or later it's over
I just don't wanna miss you tonight

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's meant to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

Don't hold your breath - Nicole Scherzinger

Don't hold your breath
You can't touch me now
There's no feeling left
If you think I'm coming back
Don't hold your breath
What you did to me boy I can't forget
If you think I'm coming back
Don't hold your breath

I was under your spell for such a long time couldn't break the chains
You played with my heart tore me apart with all your lies and games
It took all the strength I had but I crawled up on my feet again
Now you're trying to lure me back but no those days are gone my friend
I loved you so much then I thought someday that you could change
But all you brought me was a heart full of pain

Marion Cotillard
 I was worried about you but you never cared about me none
You took my money and I knew that you, you could kill someone
I gave you everything but nothing was ever enough
You were always jealous over such crazy stuff

Move on don't look back
I jumped off a train running off the tracks
Love is gone, face the facts
A bad movie ends and the screen fades to black

What you did to me boy I can't forget
If you think I'm coming back

miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012

One and only - Adele

Marion Cotillard
You've been on my mind
I grow fonder every day,
Lose myself in time
Just thinking of your face
God only knows
Why it's taken me so long
To let my doubts go
You're the only one that I want

I don't know why I'm scared, I've been here before
Every feeling, every word, I've imagined it all,
You never know if you never try
To forgive your past and simply be mine

I dare you to let me be your, your one and only
Promise I'm worthy to hold in your arms
So come on and give me a chance
To prove that I'm the one who can
Walk that mile until the end starts

If I've been on your mind
You hang on every word I say
Lose yourself in time at the mention of my name
Will I ever know how it feels to hold you close?
And have you tell me whichever road I choose you'll go

Nobody's perfect, trust me I've learned it
I know it ain't easy, giving up your heart

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012

River - Emeli Sandé

If you're looking for the big adventure
and gold is all that's on your mind
If all you want's someone to take your picture
then I won't waste your time.
See, maybe I'm too quiet for you
you probably never noticed me
but if you're too big to follow rivers
how you ever gonna find the sea?

If all you want are answers to your questions
And you can't seem to find no love for free
If you're looking for the right direction
Then darling, look for me
See, I can make the load much lighter
I just need you to confide in me
but if you're too proud to follow rivers
how you ever gonna find the sea?

Wherever you're standing, I will be by your side
through the good, through the bad, i'll never be hard to find
so wherever you're standing I will be by your side
through the good, through the bad, i'll never be hard to find

so follow me, i'll be your river, river
I'll do the running for you
follow me, i'll be your river, river
i'll move the mountains for you
follow me. I'll be your river, river
I'm here to keep you floating
follow me, I'll be your river, river. River, river, yeah

domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012

Clown - Emeli Sandé

Brigitte Bardot
I guess it's funnier from where you're standing
Cause from over here I missed the joke
Clear the way for my crash landing
I've done it again, another number for your notes
I'd be smiling if I wasn't so desperate

I'd be patient if I had the time
I could stop and answer all of your questions
As soon as I find out, 

how I can move from the back of the line

I'll be your clown, behind the glass

Go head and laugh, cause it's funny
I would too, if I saw me
I'll be your clown, on your favourite channel
My life's a circus circus, round in circles, selling out tonight

I'd be less angry if it was my decision
And the money was just rolling in
If I had more than my ambition
I'll have time for please, I'll have time for thank you as soon as I win

From the distance my choice is simple

From the distance I can entertain
So you can see me I out makeup on my face
But there's no way you can feel it, from so far away

sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2012

Paris (Ooh La La) - Grace Potter & The Nocturnals

Audrey Hepburn
You got me down on the floor
So what'd you bring me down here for?
You got me down on the floor
So what'd you bring me down here for?

If I was a man I'd make my move

If I was a blade I'd shave you smooth
If I was a judge I'd break the law
And if I was from Paris
If I was from Paris
I would say
Oooh la la la la lala

You got me up on your swing

So when you gonna shake that thing?
You got me up on your swing
So when you gonna shake that thing?

jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

I need - Maverick Sabre

I need sunshine, I need angels, I need
Something good, yeah I need
Blue skies, I need them old times, I need
Something good, yeah something good
Something good, yeah something good
Oh oh oh oh

All these days seem so far away
And I went too far enough to wait
I've come
Way back then when I hadn't seen
Half them things I'd never thought I'd see
Become someone I'd never thought I'd be 

Cause there's something good,
Yeah, I need sunshine, I need angels, I need
Something good, yeah I need
Blue skies, I need them old times, I need
Something good, yeah something good
Something good, yeah something good
Oh oh oh oh
All these days seem to fade away as I lost faith in myself
Questioned everything I stood for
No no ain't more left to look for in life
I began to lose all, found it harder to cope
With everything around me
And them people that would doubt me
Oh I, I was in a place that I didn't wanna be
Seeing face after face I didn't wanna see, I I I
I didn't go out of my mind, only god knows
And all them girls that I used to see running 'round
Was like the rain that I used to see pouring down,
They did nothing for me

Cause I need sunshine, I need angels, I need
Something good, yeah I need
Blue skies, I need them old times, I need
Something good, yeah something good
Something good, yeah something good
Oh oh oh oh no no

miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

Young - Tulisa

Forgive me for what I have done
Cause I'm young, yeah I'm young
Forgive me for what I have done
Cause I'm young, yeah I'm young
I don't mean to frighten you off, It's just fun

We live on the edge of life

We don't even compromise
We rush because we're out of time

Forgive us for what we have done

Cause we're young, we're young
I said forgive us for what we have done
Cause we're young, we're young

I make mistakes that I learn from

Cause I'm young, yeah I'm young
I'm sorry I'm not even done

Cause I'm young, yeah I'm young
Don't worry 'bout what I'll become, It's just fun
I scream at the top of my lungs, It's just fun

martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

I'm goin' down - Mary J. Blige

Marion Cotillard
Time on my hands
Since you been away boy
I ain't got no plans
No no no no
And the sound of the rain
Against my windowpane
Is slowly, is slowly drivin' me insane, boy

I'm goin' down
I'm goin' down
Cause you ain't around baby
My whole world's upside down

Sleep don't come easy
Boy please believe me
Since you been gone
Everything's goin' wrong
Why'd you have to say goodbye
Look what you've done to me
I can't stop these tears from fallin' from my eyes
Ooh baby

Ooh, goin' down
Goin' down
Oh, I don't know what to do
If I ever lose you
I'll be goin' down
I said I'll be goin' down
Oh, please forgive me baby
I'm so sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry
What did I do wrong?
I said, what did I do wrong?
Please forgive me baby
And come on home
Goin' down, goin' down, goin' down

domingo, 23 de septiembre de 2012

May bee - Jimmy Darling

Marilyn Monroe

May bee I’m ready
May bee I’m empty
Living by the rules in a fortress of fools
Fighting for the crumbs of bread crumbs
When all the fields outside are real
When all I have to do is run
I crave for the water but I settle for fire
Trading all my dreams for fake plants
When I dive inside your ocean eyes
I’m the smallest of the ants

May bee I’m ready
May bee I’m empty
Acting ridicule being so minuscule
Standing on the edge of a breakdown
Yet guided by the moon by some kind of proof
That my time is going to come
I’m breathing like a man
But really I am still a very young and lost boy
Much older than the smiles I used to wear
But does someone even care…

May bee I’m ready
May bee I’m empty
I will choose your house
From now on every time
I say “I love you” I’ll really mean it
When I say “I care” I won’t forget to feel it
But may bee
I’m not real

sábado, 15 de septiembre de 2012

Non vivo più senza te - Biagio Antonacci

Non vivo più senza te, anche se,
anche se con la vacanza in Salento
prendo tempo dentro me
non vivo più senza te, anche se, anche se
una signora per bene ignora le mie lacrime.
E le mie mani, le mie mani, le mie mani van su,
la sua bocca, la sua bocca punta sempre più a sud.
La mia testa, la mia testa, la mia testa fa
No signora no (mi piaci)
No signora no (ti prego)

Non vivo più senza te anche se, anche se
tanti papaveri rossi come il sangue inebriano
Non vivo più senza te anche se, anche se
la luce cala puntuale sulla vecchia torre al mare.
sarà che il vino cala forte più veloce del sole,
sarà che sono come un dolce che non riesci a evitare,
sarà che ballano sta pizzica, sta pizzica
No signora no (mi piaci)
No signora no (ti prego)

E le mie mani, le mie mani, le mie mani van su,
la sua bocca, la sua bocca punta sempre più a sud.
La mia testa, la mia testa, la mia testa fa
No signora no (mi piaci)
No signora no (ti prego)

Succedono, le cose poi succedono,
il mondo è un buco piccolo, ci si ritroverà.
Le mode, i tempi galoppano tra i vortici
e i sogni pettinandosi ritarderanno un pò...
mi piaci
ti prego

Marilyn Monroe (by Sam Shaw, 1958)

Non vivo più senza te, anche se, anche se
con la vacanza in Salento ho fatto un giro dentro me.
Non vivo più senza te, anche se, anche se
la solitudine è nera e non è sera,
la solitudine è sporca e ti divora,
la solitudine è suono che si sente senza te!